Tuesday, September 23, 2008

5th hour 2-7

to find the probability with replacements you take the number of over the total number of then with the replacement it will be the same as the first, with out the replacement you find the probability except you subtract the the number of from the total all together and find the probability with the new total number. to find the compound probability with replacements you take to different probabilities and multiply, but to find compound probabilities without replacements you take one probability and get another that is a probability without replacements and multiply.

4th hour probability of compound events

you multiply both independent events to find the probability of the event

you find the probability of A and you don't replace it to find B
then you multiply the dependent events to find the probability of the event

Friday, September 19, 2008

theoretical probability: what should happen
experimental probability: what does happen when tested
odds: likelihood of an event by comparing favorable and unfavorable outcomes.

EX: theoretical- if I flip a coin 50 times the outcome should be 25 heads, 25 tails.
experimental- if I flip a coin 50 times the probability would'nt be 25 head, 25 tails.
odds: 1:1

4th hour 2-6

Hey y'all,

Today's topic was probability. The two types of probability are experimental and theoretical. Experimental probability is when you actually test something such as flipping a coin fifty times, you may not actually get tails 25 times. Theoretical probability is when you know what should happen in the perfect test like if you flipped a coin 100 times you would get tails 50 times. Hope you understand what I'm trying to say.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

5th hour 2-5

Today we learned some math properties. Commutative property of addition; a+b=b+a for an Example 8+9=9+8. Commutative property of multiplication; a x b+b x a Example 13x14+14x13.
Associative property of addition; (a+b)+c=a+(b+c) Example (6+7)+3=6+(7+3). Associative property of multiplication ; (a x b)x c=a x(b x c) Example (9x8)x3=9x(8x3). Identity property of addition; a+0=a Example 9+0=9. Identity property of multiplication; a x 1=a Example 5x1=5.
Inverse property of addition; for every a, there is an additive inverse -a such that a+(-a)=0 Example 9+(-9)=0. Inverse property of multiplication for every a (a=/=0), there is a multiplication inverse 1 over a such that a(1 over a)=1 Example 7x1 over 7 =1. Symmetric property if a=b, then b=a, Example 9x4=36 then 36=4x9. Distributive property a(b=c)=ab+ac Example 1(9+7)=1x9+1x7; a(b-c)=ab-ac Example 2(4-7)=2x4-2x7. Multiplication property of Zero for every real number n,nx0=0 Example 23x0=0. multiplication property of - 1 for every real number n,-1xn=-n Example -1x(-34)=34.

5th 2-4

Today we learned about Distributive Property. YES! Let me show you how to do it take for example 2(x+5) first you add the x and the 5. then the problem will be 2 times 5x so the answer will be 10x. That is distributive property.

4th hour 2-5

Today we learned the properties of numbers! Which are-

Commutative property of addition- 3+7=7+3 Move the numbers around.

Commutative property of multiplication- 7 *3=3*7 Move the numbers around.

Associative property of addition- (6+4)+5= 6+ (4+5) Group numbers together.

Associative property of multiplication- 6*(4*5)= (6*4)*5 Group numbers together

Identity property of addition- 9+0=9 If you add zero to a number the answer is that number.

Identity property of multiplication- 6*1=6 If you multiply a nmber by 1 the answer is that number.

Inverse property of addition- 5+(-5) =0 If you add a positive number to and equal Negative number the answer is 0.

Inverse property of Multiplication- 5*1/5= 1 A whole number times a multiplicative inverse the answer is 1.

symmetric property- 2*3=6 so 6=2*3

Distributive property- 5(4+2)= 5*4+5*2
5(4-2)= 5*4-5*2

Multiplication of 0- 9*0=0 Any real number times 0 equals 0.

Multiplication of -1- (-1)*(-5)=5
Thats all I have for you today!

4th hour lesson 2-3

Today I learned about The Distributive Property.

Using The Distributive Property is a way of simplifying a problem.

For Example, 2(x+6).

To solve this with The Distributive Property, you would take 2 times whatever is in parenthesis which in this case would be x+6.

So, it would look like this>>2x+12.

I got this answer because I took 2 times x(2x) and then I took 2 times 6(12).

This would be your answer.

Now it's your turn to try Mrs. Gray's favorite property.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

5th hour 2-2

Ok today learned subtract rational numbers! YAY! Ok I'll show you and example and tell you what I did. Example: -21-6=. First we change it from -6 to +-6 so it comes out like this. -21+-6=-27. ALWAYS remember to change the - sign to a + sign and change the sign of the SECOND number.
So put your minds to work and finish your work. lol

4th hour 2-2

Hi every one My name is Cy as u all know

Absolute value is when u do this [2-7] you have to change the negative to a postive and a postive to a negative.
Subtracting negative numbers. [-5]
I you have 13-6 you would take 5

Now if u have -1/3- -2/3 you would do this
-1/3++2/3 which equals

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

5th hour 2-1

Hi Mrs. Gray. haha you said i couldnt say hi

To day we learned about adding matrices
[2 3 4]+[5 6 7]=[7 9 11]
you add the numbers in the same place so first it would be 2+5
then 3+6
and 4+7

and ta-da your done!!

2-1 adding rational numbers explained

Positive + Negative=Subtract and put the sign of the bigger number

Matrices: When using a matrix you will have the numbers in rows and columns.
[ -5 4] + [ 6 -5] = [ 1 -1]
These are 2*1 Matrices.

Monday, September 8, 2008

2-1 Adding Rational Numbers

Explain the rules for adding rational numbers. Your classmates will check in and add comments to your explanation.


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