Wednesday, September 17, 2008

4th hour 2-5

Today we learned the properties of numbers! Which are-

Commutative property of addition- 3+7=7+3 Move the numbers around.

Commutative property of multiplication- 7 *3=3*7 Move the numbers around.

Associative property of addition- (6+4)+5= 6+ (4+5) Group numbers together.

Associative property of multiplication- 6*(4*5)= (6*4)*5 Group numbers together

Identity property of addition- 9+0=9 If you add zero to a number the answer is that number.

Identity property of multiplication- 6*1=6 If you multiply a nmber by 1 the answer is that number.

Inverse property of addition- 5+(-5) =0 If you add a positive number to and equal Negative number the answer is 0.

Inverse property of Multiplication- 5*1/5= 1 A whole number times a multiplicative inverse the answer is 1.

symmetric property- 2*3=6 so 6=2*3

Distributive property- 5(4+2)= 5*4+5*2
5(4-2)= 5*4-5*2

Multiplication of 0- 9*0=0 Any real number times 0 equals 0.

Multiplication of -1- (-1)*(-5)=5
Thats all I have for you today!


Tyler said...

Hey that was a very interesting piece of work but a little on the strechy side but all in all very good. Keep up the good work. :) ;D

Brooke said...


I agree with Tyler but I think it's great that you listed them all.

Ashlee said...

Good Job! I think that was cool. It's easier to understand when you put it like that! That's good that you listed them all! It helps. You also explained what each of them were very well.

Cy {#83} said...

That was sooooooooooooo............................. confusing for me!!!!!!!:(